Friday, July 1, 2011

Tattoo Flash For Women

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  • aquarianf
    04-25 10:27 AM
    [QUOTE=gcbikari;242385]Did you ask Attorney what happens if your employer still choose to Sue you? My friend's attorney told most of cases will be settled, but we might loose money up to 10K. Is it woth it doing? Also if we choose to fight, we might have to attend hearing (may be in different state based on your agreement). I am an employee too, and with you on this. I'd say if attorney guarentees he'll win our case we can go ahead.[/QUOTE

    as per the attorney, the case history of employers who won using non competes in the court are very rare unless the law suit is agiainst key personnel and court gets convinced by the legitemate business interest. If the employer still chooses to fight, he has got more to loose than me because of non payments of wages also being involved here. since non compete has been used just to escape the wages, courts wil be more hard on the employer and will consider it as threat rather than genuine.

    Did you contacted INS regarding this? Someone in my office told that one of his friend contacted INS regarding back wages. He received a phone call 3-4 months later from INS regarding his complain and was told that INS will investigate into the matter and if complain is valid then the former employer will be punished accordingly. He was told that INS has received many many such complaints and they have huge backlog and it is taking 3-4 months to reach to a complain but they are working on each of them.

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  • akhilmahajan
    02-10 01:35 PM
    Thanks a lot sujijag.

    Grand Total - $1094

    Come on folks lets help IV, to get things done for US.

    IV is I/WE.


    Contributed $50
    Immigration Voice $50.00 02/13/2009 8MWS5-D1N6F

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  • a_yaja
    05-07 08:47 AM
    I also think green card lottery, chain immigration, and refugee green cards should be eliminated and those visa numbers should be used for employment based immigrants because all these people can immigrate just like us through employment. We contribute more to the American society and should be given priority. I guess when we become American someday, we would like immigrants who contribute to our community too. Isn't that right? :)
    Nice argument. I bet if you had your GC or if you were a US citizen before you got married you would support chain immigration - after all what good is to be in this country if you cannot bring your wife over here? How about when your parents get old and they need care? Then you will curse the system for being unfair towards family based immigration. Afterall what good is a job if you cannot bring your family here?

    Try to think beyond yourself. If not, your are no better than those opposing immigration. After all, even NumbersUSA is for immigration - as long as it is restricted to a few thousand a year! So is ALIPAC - they are for legal immigration but against H1Bs immigrating to the US. How are you any different from either of these organizations? As far as a someone wanting to come to the US on the family based immigration route is concerned - you are anti-immigration too.

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  • pooja_34
    08-31 11:46 AM
    USCIS should seperate North Indians and South Indians - We are soooo very different anyways ..... Different language - different look - different food ..... That way all of us North Indians will get our GC sooner :D

    Received CPO email 31Aug10:)


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  • paragpujara
    08-09 07:44 AM
    Yesterday status got updated for me and my wife as below:

    Current Status: Approval notice sent.

    On August 8, 2008, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

    Hope I will receive GC soon. Haven't got CPO mails/status yet.

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  • Roger Binny
    05-10 01:21 AM
    GC Visa's are per country per year, where as H1's are not per country based, we indians used most H1's and stood in queue for GC's of course there is path so we stood, in fact it is one attraction they used to bring over here, to start with, per country GC visa limit is a poor thought.

    GC quota should be better tied to H1 quota or raise the limit and god knows when did they put the numbers per country GC, before H1b program or after H1b program.

    H1b program allowed hundred's of thousands to come in, in fact which they encouraged i can dare to say and GC visa count is not according to that and they let all these families to stay in limbo or wait forever is not a good sign.

    Irony is majority of these folks are purposed to solve or improve all kinds of problems ranging from improving enterprise's response time from months to minutes or minutes to secs and other kinds improvements, who's families and them selves stuck in a decade long "legal immigration" battle of their life.


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  • syzygy
    07-10 10:03 AM
    If Sanjay Dutt is in country how about having him in rally? Even the american guys who have bought copyright to Munnabhai story might want to add some oil to fire

    First off let us change the name of this thread from "Gandhigiri to DOS" to "Munnabhaigiri to DOS".

    Gandhiji sent flowers to NO ONE.

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  • Googler
    07-07 09:08 PM
    Something to chew over -- this is a Secretary of State who won't even admit to major blunders in Iraq, she is not about to admit they screwed up on this.

    but she's right. the US immigration law is extremely detailed and totally unforgiving. the country quotas being applied to employment visas looks like some lawyer gone overboard with putting constraints while writing the law, but now it is the law, and they don't change laws here unless there are votes or lot of money involved.

    H1bmajdoor -- the blunder I am talking about here is making the dates all current (the original July bulletin) -- who the hell asked them to do that?? Why not move them another year forward? Had they done that I doubt USCIS would have panicked and gone crazy approving people without security checks, approving people whose dates were not current in June or even on July 2.

    That had nothing to do with the law, or the ceiling set by law -- it was an arbitrary roll of the dice by DOS, a decision made WITHOUT consulting USCIS.


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  • franklin
    06-12 06:25 PM
    what can u do if u still have no EAD after 3 months? Endless waiting?
    I-765 Application for Employment Authorization Based on a pending I-485 adjustment application [(c)(9)] February 26, 2007

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  • simple1
    05-01 03:34 PM
    I just donated, my id is not reflecting it.

    Wow..... Now there is a new thread for donors only to discuss the same thing. If you want to discuss further donate and be a donor.


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  • natrajs
    09-02 10:19 PM
    What are the steps to be taken after receiving GC ?

    You have to update your SSN ( Go to your near by SSN office they will guide you)

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  • Ushakiran
    05-08 05:09 PM
    US employment based immigration system is merit based, not need based. The EB system is to keep US industry more competitive. if you were a hiring manager, you would give a Pakistani more preference than an Indian, just because Pakistan has less infrastructure than India?

    For sure legal alternatives wont help. the country cap is to ensure equal opportunity for smaller countries which dont have enough infrastructure as large countries such as India/china. We cannot expect the country cap to be removed.


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  • sss9i
    08-25 02:56 PM
    Bump Up

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  • EB3_SEP04
    08-08 07:20 PM
    my EAD is still pending. but no lud on EAD cases. just a soft LUD on I-140 on 7/13. Very wired !!


    - How did you find out about the LUD?
    - What is soft LUD vs. hard ?
    - what are possible reasons of an LUD ?

    Thanks in advance!


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  • Aah_GC
    05-19 09:42 PM
    Same boat guys. July 07 filer and have not received my FP yet. My lawyer thinks it should not be a problem at all, and I read of a case here who got his GC without ever fingerprinting.

    Am about to renew my EAD and AP in a couple of week's time and that is the only hope left. I sincerely hope not receiving FP is not a major drawback.

    God bless.

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  • gdilla
    03-09 04:31 PM
    Why is the US the be all and end all of your life and career? Is Canada out of the question? It's not always rosey up there, but schools are just as good if not better than US, generally safer and less xenphobic, and they will welcome and appreciate your skills; pay you a fair wage (that through hard work and good relationships you can ratchet up over the years), and welcome your family. CAD is going up. US dollar is going down.

    Did you know that most large, publicaly traded, US hi-tech and financial juggernauts have thriving offices in Canada (to take advantage of high skiled quality workforce)? Intel, HP, Agilent, Cisco, Microsoft, IBM, AMD, etc. Start applying. And guess what, if you really pine for the start and stripes, you can work your way to a transfer back on an L1 visa which may up your EB category and reduce your wait time.


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  • shantak
    05-20 10:52 AM
    As you have efiled your EAD the FP you have received might not necessarily mean the FP for 485, it could be just for EAD. Gurus any comment!!
    I am a July 2nd Filer, and have not gone through FP till now.

    I e filed on 11th May for EAD /AP renewal for myself and spouse.

    LUD on 14 th May. Receipt notices received 16 th may.

    Got FP notice only for myself on 19 th May.
    (Still waiting for spouse's FP notice)


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  • h1bmajdoor
    07-07 08:57 PM
    All officials have talked about processing 60k visas in a month to avoid visas going waste.
    None was honest enough to say the unused visas expire on 09/30 NOT 06/30.
    So, why the mad rush to give out all visas by 06/30?? We all know why..

    some people say this was because of the Kennedy-Bush bill... to get good press for the bill.

    IMO that may be true, but having seen the way US works, i'm willing to bet 25 cents that some high official's bonus depended on ending retrogression. So he did it, for all of 2 weeks.

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  • dtekkedil
    07-05 02:02 PM
    We will each individually send flowers to Emilio Gonzalez to be delivered July 10th. There is a suggestion to use a paypal account where we contribute money. However no one has come forward to take over the account so far.

    The theme of the note attached to the flowers should be Sympathy or Get well.

    Preferred Message(Sympathy): All the best for future Employment Based visa estimates

    I do like the "Get Well: Hope USCIS recovers from its insanity" message as well

    July 07th - Last day to mail flowers (I doubt if they can deliver on Tuesday if we order on Monday)
    July 08th - Draft the letter to be mailed to media.
    July 09th - Finalize the letter and mass mail it to every media email addresses we have.
    July 10th - hope the media take the bait!

    03-15 11:23 PM
    There is very simple reason for this, during 1999-2002 H1B cap was raised to 190,000 even if you make a guess on the lower side more than 50% of these H1Bs went to Indians, so atleast 200,000 Indians entered US between 1999 when these people filed their Green Cards most of them filed under EB-3, b'cause retrogression wasn't there and everthing was current, lot of people, who were in the states where labor took less time, kept getting their green cards, in the meantime a huge chunk of people from states like NJ, NY, TX, CA got stuck at the labor stage with PD in 2000 and up. So basically lot of 2002 & above got cleared but these people with older PDs were stuck. Now when these Labors are cleared, with just 3300 Green Card numbers every year, it'll take 20 years or more for EB-3 cut-off dates to move to 2009.

    Can you tell me why EB3 is lagging so much

    I hope I had got answer to this question ? I am still searching and been doing for last 2 1/2 years from the time I joined IV.

    06-21 04:18 PM
    Answering for Logiclife, whose time zone is a couple hours behind.

    CIR will likely not be VOTED dead. There just will not be anything done about naming a Conference committee. If a committee is indeed named, but they don't produce a report in 2-3 weeks, then CIR would be deemed dead.

    The bottom line is, if nothing happens by the end of July, CIR will likely be dead.

    We will be looking at other options much before the end of July. The problem for us is that no other legislation will be considered before the end of July.
    Well, hearing is in august, that means that the CIR for this year is dead.

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