Monday, July 4, 2011

Star Wars Zeltron

images Zeltron Star Wars Zeltron. She is as curvy as Zeltron
  • She is as curvy as Zeltron

  • bkarnik
    05-05 11:13 AM
    In continuation of the post from Nenneo, I had the chance to see Newt Gingrich, ex-speaker of the house and who is currently testing the waters for a possible 2008 Pres. nomination from the GOP. His response, I think, speaks volumes about the type of people the GOP would like to see here.

    He indicated that he is totally against illegal immigration and pro legal immigration. But, when it came to students who were pursuing higher education in the US, according to Newt, "is a no-brainer, we get them here, we train and teach them, it does not make sense to let them go. These students should be given a visa as soon as they find a job, as long as they have not committed any felony and especially since the students have been in the US for 2+years it is sufficient time to get to know them and their backgrounds and for them to be assimilated in the US way of life."

    My 2-cents to clarify the thinking behind giving more preference to US educated students vs non-US educated ones. This coming from a senior GOP leader.

    wallpaper She is as curvy as Zeltron Star Wars Zeltron. Edit: Zeltron PFHC02
  • Edit: Zeltron PFHC02

  • Sachin_Stock
    09-23 02:18 PM
    Another basic information. I-140 needs to be approved on its own merit. Once it is approved, the dates would be ported. There's no such extra-scrutiny added related to "porting" exercise as such.

    Star Wars Zeltron. Edit: Zeltron PFHC02
  • Edit: Zeltron PFHC02

  • gcgcgcgc
    09-21 12:52 PM
    I got my receipt notices (485,765,131) yesterday. I had my 140 approved from Texas. Lawyer filed 485 package on July 17th to Texas. I got my receipt notices on 09/18/07 from Nebraska.

    2011 Edit: Zeltron PFHC02 Star Wars Zeltron. Zeltron Female
  • Zeltron Female

  • mirage
    03-06 06:09 PM
    You wouldn't have felt that way if you were EB-3 India sittinig for last 8 years, reading Visa Bulletins every months, just to find it still in Oct'2001...And if you ask USCIS what's going on they ask you 5K.
    Funny how some people call this country cap 'discrimination.' If this is discrimination, then everybody is being discriminated, as the country cap applies to all countries, not just India and China. Since everybody is 'discriminated,' then it is not discrimination anymore.:)


    Star Wars Zeltron. Edit: Zeltron PFHC02
  • Edit: Zeltron PFHC02

  • mrajatish
    05-02 10:54 AM
    Stupid question, but I am sure it is in the minds of many others -
    1. When, if at all, will this be heard in the Senate given the current immigration imbroglio?
    2. Will the house have a similar bill?

    Star Wars Zeltron. Zeltron Female Jedi | Star
  • Zeltron Female Jedi | Star

  • GCStatus
    09-16 10:16 PM


    Star Wars Zeltron. Teff - The Star Wars RP
  • Teff - The Star Wars RP

  • KanME
    07-20 12:44 AM
    I am all for it...

    i will contribute $100..

    2010 Edit: Zeltron PFHC02 Star Wars Zeltron. Zeltron
  • Zeltron

  • abq_gc
    08-18 02:13 PM
    Well then you should have done it long time back . You are now going for your citizenship and everyone on this forum knows that.

    i dont think we are going to solve anything by fighting among ourselves here... we have to take the fight up with USCIS and not among ourselves... the plight of EB-3 at this point is far far worse than EB-2... atleast we are current.. they are not even that.... we have to somehow include all fractions into what we do at this point....

    EB-3 deserves a GC as much as an EB-2... and so let's not create boundaries here... United we stand... divided we fall...

    what are our options.. to make the 500 pound gorilla kneel down ??
    i remember a famous saying.. pen is mightier than the sword... so what are our options guys ???


    Star Wars Zeltron. Star Wars Galaxy 5 - Dani
  • Star Wars Galaxy 5 - Dani

  • jsb
    08-15 10:20 AM
    It may be better if you refile it now (before Aug 17). My lawyer made me refile...just because there is no receipt yet. He says by doing so you don't lose anything. If your first application is in the system at the time of opening second, it will be returned. It is very unlikely that they will cash second check. Fedex confirmation only tells that 'something' was delivered. It does not tell what was inside...

    [QUOTE....I am wondering what if they misplaced/lost my application, will they accept resubmitting a new I485 petition after Aug17th based on Fedex signature conformation receipt signed by an IO, of previously filed petition??:confused:[/QUOTE]

    hair Zeltron Female Star Wars Zeltron. Star Wars Legacy#39;s zeltron
  • Star Wars Legacy#39;s zeltron

  • jung.lee
    03-25 05:08 PM
    You will get it this Calendar Year. Trust me.

    Basis for this "trust", please?


    Star Wars Zeltron. STAR WARS: The Old Republic
  • STAR WARS: The Old Republic

  • sivatallapaneni
    07-20 12:15 PM
    I'm going to contribute atleast $100. There is a always a first time, This is for the person who worked for my own good without expecting anything in return.

    Aman you are a true inspiration.

    hot Edit: Zeltron PFHC02 Star Wars Zeltron. Star Wars Universe RP - Lunia
  • Star Wars Universe RP - Lunia

  • mirage
    03-06 03:33 PM
    I did not want to respond you but here's what can be achieved by lifting the country caps even for 2 years. If you lift the country cap, oldest PDs get the green Cards irrespective of their country, considering it's Indians & Chinese who are stuck the most, believe it or not, India will get all of 140K Visas, you can easily expect India and china to come at par with ROW, I know with your intelligence level, it is hard for you to understand, but if you are in a line, you are always going to get benefited if more people before you get eliminated fom the queue...

    Please DO NOT join this selfish effort aimed at fixing the country limits till MIRAGE gets his green card.

    Removal of country limits temporarily and permanently, will both require the support of the majority of both houses of the congress. It will require as much effort to to remove country limits temporarily as it will require to remove country limits permanently.

    Some folks here just wants to remove country limits till the time they get their agree card i.e. for the span of 2 years. If removal of country limits is good for EB community and America, then why only remove it for 2 years ONLY.

    Such a campaign is likely to divide this community. PLEASE DO NOT divide the community by supporting this mis-directed agenda.

    If country caps can be removed temporarily then they can be removed permanently. But asking for less than what key lawmakers have already proposed less than 6 months back is like shooting ourselves in the foot. PLEASE DO NOT throw others under the bus. PLEASE!!!!


    house Zeltron - By Request by Star Wars Zeltron. Zeltron
  • Zeltron

  • Ramba
    07-10 02:11 PM
    Lot of discussion on self employment w.r to AC21. Here is my thought. To use AC21 w.r to self employment one need not open a company. One can even do simple business model (sole proprietorship) in line with the definition of self employment as per IRS. IRS or Labor department is the one defines the �self-employment� not USCIS. Having said that, one should have a legitimate business and paper work and contract to prove.

    Let�s see a simple example. A restaurant applied an I-140 for a cook. This cook wants to use AC21. He need not open a new restaurant and employs himself as a cook. A cook may not afford to open a business. He may not even require registering a business. All he needs is obey the sole proprietorship /independent contractor definition as per IRS and pay all the taxes and do the business as per rule. In this business model, if he lined up few long term contract with two or three big hotels to provide cooking service, or even provide cooked food from his home, and making similar income as per I-140, that will be enough to claim AC21. All he needs is legitimate self employment as per IRS rule, and good paperwork to claim that, in case of RFE.

    Independent Contractor (Self-Employed) or Employee? (,,id=99921,00.html)

    tattoo Zeltron Female Jedi | Star Star Wars Zeltron. The final Star Wars Comic
  • The final Star Wars Comic

  • CADude
    08-20 04:19 PM
    I think by Friday, July 2nd NSC -> TSC filers will start getting check encashed in masses. So please hang for a week.:)
    otherwise one more week.:D :D

    I called on friday. Had to explain the lady that as per press-release, my receipt number should be issued. After 20 minutes of discussions, she escalated my call to another officer. She checked the database with my name, DOB and A# but she could not find any thing related to I-485.


    pictures Teff - The Star Wars RP Star Wars Zeltron. Diasha, Zeltron bodyguard
  • Diasha, Zeltron bodyguard

  • desi3933
    02-05 11:01 AM
    Desi3933 - Thank you for sharing this link. Now I totally believe it.
    As promised before, now after looking at DOL web site, I will shut up.

    Kumar -

    You are welcome. I am glad to be of help.

    There was a case U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR vs. Ken Technologies, Inc. That dealt with issues of benching and when employer is liable to start paying.

    Personally, I don't want you to "shut up". Disagreement is part of healthy discussion. But I felt your post should have been little more polite than this post.

    Where is it written???? 30 day rule?????? SHOW ME ...................................


    dresses Star Wars Universe RP - Lunia Star Wars Zeltron. Diasha, Zeltron bodyguard
  • Diasha, Zeltron bodyguard

  • sonia_sd
    02-07 08:28 PM
    he is not saying he hates india, but politicians. Hope you understand plain english !

    But you watch Indian TV and see him everyday? :D

    Why are you attached to India when you hate it? You want to get Green Card in USA and live here permanently. So should you not learn more about this country and culture. You cannot live in USA but think about India all the time and hate it too.


    makeup Star Wars Galaxy 5 - Dani Star Wars Zeltron. Zeltron - By Request by
  • Zeltron - By Request by

  • Hello_Hello
    02-09 09:33 PM
    very childish!!!how old are you ? Terrorists are banned from visiting USA.
    Narenda Modi has been banned from visiting USA.

    You do the reasoning :D

    girlfriend The final Star Wars Comic Star Wars Zeltron. Zeltron - The Non-Canon Star
  • Zeltron - The Non-Canon Star

  • Hopeful1
    02-11 03:10 PM
    Grand Total - $1601

    hairstyles STAR WARS: The Old Republic Star Wars Zeltron. Zeltron eye ?
  • Zeltron eye ?

  • Ann Ruben
    07-20 12:58 PM
    I am honored to pledge $200

    08-26 07:30 AM
    My question is - has anobdy got their cards without getting the CPO e-mail - I have recd the approval notice on 11th in the mail - but I have yet to get the cards also I did not get the CPO e-mail:confused:

    I was approved on 8-12-08, received approval letter too.

    after that no soft luds updates....

    No Welcome notice or COP

    09-09 08:02 PM
    Totally agree with you dude, is IV doing anything about this issue?

    Dont bark at not donating, will donate if this issue is given serious consideration as well.


    What are plans and strategy for EB3?

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