Sunday, July 3, 2011

Cricket World Cup Fans

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  • simple1
    05-02 01:04 AM
    Families will never get separated. Please don't use emotional wordings without basis.

    GC holder's marriage (regardless of their stream) to indian citizen (derivative) will make the indian citizen wait for atleast 5 years ( based on current vb date for fb2a or gc sponsor becoming citizen in 5 years ). Why are you tying N400 eligibility with this ? regardles of the interpretation any gc have to show ( 5years presence, atleast 6+ months a year, 30 months etc) to become eligible to become USC ? You could be referring to a special and/or complex case of lot or large reentry permit ?

    Expect for some rare special cases of long reentry permits, This interpretation I am suggesting will neither enhance their condition or make it worse for any derivative already-in or newly-entering FB2A.

    I read some were 88k visas are available for FB2A. I think they are safe.

    Look at the EB3 mess. Is it in any way fair for EB-primary to wait that long ?

    The analysis on the FB movement by simple1, et al is based on the current VB. This will result in severe retrogression in the FB categories. Are you willing to assume the burden that comes with classification in the FB category - separation of family while waiting for PD to be current? Think of what it will do to someone who comes to US on GC through the FB category and later gets married to an Indian citizen. The current wait time for that individual is 5+ years and the individual cannot stay with spouse for a long stretch otherwise he/she loses the GC or does not meet minimum residency requirement for citizenship.

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  • desi3933
    06-27 12:07 PM
    Diptam, Don�t leave the employer but force them to terminate you after 160 days of filing I-485. Don't clear any client interview and force them to pay you salary as it is employers job to give you work. Take rest at home on full salary. A time will come when employer will no longer afford to loose any more money and they will terminate you. Also ask for severance package when they terminate you.

    This is not a legal advice just a suggestion

    There could be a clause in the agreement that employee to pay the amount if he is fired due to bad performance. however, documenting bad performance for the employee is real headache for the employer. But still it can be done.

    Not a legal advice.
    Green Card holder since May 2002

    desi3933 at

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  • apb
    09-07 06:06 PM
    Scene at Consulate
    IO:--> Dear applicant, You can apply for a long process to getting your PR/GC and here are the deals. Apply with high fees. Get RFE answered within limited time frame or loose. Wait for labor (go through labor pain..:-) ), do not get/expect promotion, Oh ya get your well educated spouse, Make them sit at home, make them feel unproductive, pay all your taxes, pay your social security BUT do not expect anything back, In the process if your kids age out separate them from you (send them back), If you wish to study pay highest fees, if you get promoted stand in queue again, pay frequent medical fees, AP, EAD fees, and yes YOU can always TRACK RNs for them. You can whine, post your opinions, when we change policies on the fly and create more hardships even if you have stayed here for more than 6 years, you can call up our customer service, be imaginative and get to level 2 and still get yelled at, asked to wait for 90 days (std reply), etc, but you can always go to good forum like IV and instead of working on your cause, create confusion, DEMAND action, not contribute....etc.

    H1B applicant:--> SO WHAT IS THE CATCH.

    IO:--> YOU THA MAN. Welcome to USA. Land of the free home of the brave. But for you there will be no freedom and for your type..stay in fear.

    Hope one more catch the vision of IV

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  • dtekkedil
    07-04 06:57 PM
    Can someone with a paypal account come forward and take over a fund? Anyone with a paypal account can donate any amount using a nickname and we can publish the nickname along with the amount donated on this thread. That way we have accountability and also have a better idea of how many flowers we can send. That person with the paypal account can then order the flowers on Saturday by the latest.

    Others, if they want, can send the flowers on their own also.

    Just a suggestion... If we can do this, I believe more people will come forward!

    Anyone who has donated to IV should be able to do this...


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  • CADude
    10-05 10:35 PM

    10/05/2007: USCIS Receipting Delay - How Does This Affect You?

    The Ombudsman of DHS is scheduled to have a teleconference on this topic on 10/12/2007 from 2:30 to 3:30 pm, Friday. How do you participate? Click here.

    PLEASE NEVER UNDER-ESTIMATE YOUR EFFORTS OR POWER? Please contact if you wish to choose so.:D:D

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  • joeshmoe
    06-08 06:44 PM
    My case was received by NSC on JUN 1st. They issued the recipt numbers on JUN 5th. I am still waiting on my wifes. They could clear on Monday.. Looks like NSC is also trying to speed up things. They are just one day slower than TSC in issuing recepts.
    How did you get this information so fast? Did you call them?


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  • Image. Cricket fans celebrate

  • morchu
    05-08 03:46 PM
    Just want to highlight a positive point. June visa bulletin shows that NONE of the visas (or very negligible) are going to be wasted this fiscal year for India. Shows increased USCIS efficiency. Hopefully it will be true for World and China as well.

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  • nixstor
    07-07 10:26 PM
    I think we should go to USCIS/DOS office. But problem is we have to do this on weekdays and most of member won't be join on weekdays because of work.
    If we do on weekend then we will get more response but then offices will be closed unless they working on weekend as they did last weekend.

    Are you serious? If people are so much interested in getting a GC and would like to make an impact, a day's work should not be a big deal. Forget the weekend stuff as DC streets have no federal government business on weekends. There are some guys who are willing to drive from NY/NJ/NC.

    Even if we take the poll and lets say 500 people would like to come, that number will become 250 or less as most of us will have last minute issues as usual :p


    Cricket World Cup Fans. ICC World Cup 2011 - March 1
  • ICC World Cup 2011 - March 1

  • PlainSpeak
    02-23 08:57 AM
    It is frustrating to see that there is a campaign going on to allow for 485 filing even when pd is current and another thread running that says another fiasco would be bad .... everybody talks/writes/feels only as "what benefits them is good, everything else is not worthwhile or bad"

    True the chance of another July 2007 happening is very dim as USCIS has learnt their lesson. Also they have a better estimation of the pending count.
    I myself have EAD and i support 485 filing without priority date getting current. Even though in the final GC scheme of things that puts a whole bunch of more peope ahead of me, I still support it. At least an EAD lets you chnage a job after 180 days albeit in the same job specification.
    Maybe IV Core has some idea about that (485 filing without PD current) and how it will pan out. Talk to them

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  • Image. Cricket fans watch the

  • vrkgali
    03-26 11:13 AM
    My PD is Sep 2002. There are different limits:

    Break even limit
    Fatigue limit
    Endurance limit

    I am on last one :)

    Ditto here..My PD also sept2002 .

    And my I-140 also pending for the past 19 months..

    and I dont know what limit I should cross before I get GC ..

    may be the country limits and go back to India.


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  • World Cup 2011 - Beautiful

  • SunnySurya
    08-18 01:47 PM
    Just want to let you know that I am still VERY MUCH against porting. But neither that is the issue we are handling here nor the other issue is as urgent as this one.
    Dividing IV on the Lines on EB2 or EB3 or on basis of ROW/India is something i just dont like. United we stand !!!!!! .

    I saw couple of threads earlier from you which talks against porting of EB3 to EB2 - i believe you had some lawsuit idea there for not allowing BS+5 to port to EB2 which is think i highly divisive and unfair on certain peoples

    Lets come up with ideas without stepping on each others shoe and i'm 100% willing to join.

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  • mygc2006
    08-28 09:53 AM
    filed aug 3 2008 card ordered aug 26 2008

    CONGRATS acepb.... that was pretty quick ......


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  • sandy_anand
    02-18 02:41 PM
    transaction ID for this payment is: 1V923300P24635823.

    I will be attending the advocacy days on April 4th and 5th. I'm in NJ. Good luck to all of us!

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  • prakashv44
    09-24 10:58 PM
    "EB-2 India. This category is expected to remain unchanged or to move very slowly forward (by a week or so) in the short-term. This is mainly caused by the fact that many EB-3 India applicants (there are approximately 60,000 EB-3 India pending cases) are �porting� their priority dates into the EB-2 India category and are thus taking visa numbers.

    EB2 India is slowwly becoming EB3 as thousands are porting from EB3 to EB2. Some of them are really worthy of EB2 and some of them are fradulent.

    EB2 India applicants should wake up from their celebratio of a few months leap and get ready for slow movement or retro.

    Guys wake up and fight to make the porting rules veryu strong if not stop porting. The rule should be if I140 for porting is denied then the applicatnt should loose his/her initial EB3 priority date also as he /she has indicated that he/she is no longer working in the position as described in EB3 labor. This will make sure that fradulent applicants cannot port from EB3 to EB2.

    P.S: I know I will get thousands of REDs. I do not care... EB2 I guys wake up.. Time is running out.. EB2 I will very quickly become same as EB3I.


    Better do not write and waste someone time. Probably you may loose your GC too if you are not united.

    Try to support EB's, not EB2 or EB3. People wait for 10years to get the GC in EB3, They are well qualified and Experienced.


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  • anilsal
    12-11 10:57 PM
    What about folks who say - "I will accept anything when it happens".

    They will accept that the laws can change when they change.

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  • Lanka Cricket World Cup

  • mmanurker
    07-20 11:42 AM
    Dear Members

    For those of you joining us late, here is some info about this thread.

    1. This is to do our least part to the core IV Team for their selfless sacrifice, for all of us getting the benefits of legal immigration. Note that , Aman Kapoor , the co-founder of IV has done his part by sacrificing $64,000/- from his own personal funds towards the administrative costs of IV. Yes you read it right , it is $64,000/- We come to know from his co-worker that he has sold his house towards running this show for us.

    2. We have not yet figured out a way to reimburse these costs as IV does not yet have administrative costs part of the expenditure allocation, as we understand it. So instead of a wait and watch, we decided to go ahead with collecting the pledge from the members on the amount they are putting forth for reimbursing the amount. Once we come up with a strategy(members we look for your suggestions on how to get this done, please add your comments) we will instruct the members pledged to pay out.

    So do not pay it directly to the IV core funds, yet.

    Please help us spread the message about this thread in other threads by copy and pasting the following in other threads too.

    There is a funding drive in this other thread towards reimbursing Aman and other core IV member's expenses towards the administrative costs of IV.

    Could you please pledge an amount ?


    Pl. count me in....I pledge $100 towards Aman's expense re-imbursement.
    Pl. let me know how to send the amount coz your post clearly says
    "do not pay it directly to the IV core funds, yet"
    (so far contributed $100 to IV)


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  • Next. Cricket fans celebrate

  • cool_desi_gc
    09-03 06:26 PM
    EB3 India

    EAD Sent 07/10/08
    ND : 07/14/08

    No LUD's since then.

    Card production Ordered email on 09/03/08

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  • immigrant2007
    09-11 02:02 PM
    I am seeing lot of heat and frustration out here and it is understandable to whole extent. First of all, I am a DC/MD/VA state chapter member and working towards achieving goals of getting GC in one year. Sounds funny right!!!! But it is true. We are working at grass roots with the National Leadership of IV to get things going at individual constituency level. I just posted this on another thread on IV. You might be knowing that DC Metro area should be having thousands of professionals making good money and stuck in this mess!!! Thousands!!! Do you know how many active members we have for this chapter!!! around 160!!!! Do you know how many turn up for weekly chapter meeting!!! 15!!!! But we are fortunate two have these 15 people who are putting their time and effort to talk to lawmakers.... These people also donate money. By the way these people are mix of EB 2 and EB 3. Do not try to create this division of EB2 and EB3. Some of the people running this IV have their green card but they are still putting in their time for you guys to lobby....It just takes 25$ each month to become donor but people don't want to do that. Don't think that IV will show you proof of concept for you to start donating. If you cannot volunteer, just keep quiet and wait for next VB. I also know that people cannot make to state chapter meeting because of commitments, distance etc. Understandable but have they asked state chapter via email what all they can do in their constituency to sort this out......Join State Chapter and see what all IV is doing...You guys have no idea what all is going on behind....If you think you can least start donating and more important....start volunteering with your state chapter....If thousands of us start screaming to our lawmakers will not need money to lobby anymore.....

    I commend you guys for yuor efforts. best wishes for all of us

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  • needhelp!
    02-11 06:58 PM
    You can paypal to

    Or use online payment from your bank login.


    I know you don't want us to use paypal - but I think that might be delaying lot of contributions.

    Here is my case - I have a very hectic work schedule -so by the time I go home I forget to write and send a check. If I could do paypal then would be no problem as I can do from any where - work - from phone - anywhere.

    Just a thought.. I have been planning to send $50 or so but kept on forgetting. Don't get me wrong but telling the truth here.

    04-22 08:23 PM
    Only if it is too restrictive. this case is pretty straightforward and simple. employee is directly hitting the employer's revenues.

    That means nothing in the court actually. It takes a lot more such as violation of trade-secrets for a court to rule against an employee. If hitting revenue was a valid reason not to change a job, nobody will ever be able to change a job.

    What you mention is a common misconception.

    "In Virginia (, a plaintiff ( must prove by a preponderance of the evidence ( that the covenant is reasonable in the sense that it is: (1) no greater than necessary to protect its legitimate business interests, such as a trade secret (; (2) not unduly harsh or oppressive in restricting the employee’s ability to earn a living; and (3) not against public policy."

    09-15 01:18 PM
    First step - Gather information and strengthen the support. Once we reach a ballpark, arrange meetings, conference calls

    Finalise a lawyer ( MadhUVJ - has great suggestions on it )

    Preparing an Action Plan, will be out soon.

    Man-Woman-GC is gathering details.

    Please join us in this effort

    Please let me know the process to pledge the $100. I am not a member of any state chapter but just a registered member on this site.

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