Thursday, June 16, 2011

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  • ajay
    11-25 08:06 PM
    I contributed $20 to this cause.

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  • Canadianindian
    04-15 08:11 PM
    I agree with the thought that with the critical mass of 10,000 and growing ppl, it is a matter of time when such political organizations contact us for support in terms of both:

    1) Our ability to influence our fellow Indian American Citizens (relatives) to support an organization
    2) Our ability to generate monetary support.

    However, rather than such organizations approaching us, we have to be proactive in making these political organization aware of our ability to contribute. Our strenght in numbers, and our ability to influence and support has to be evident and communicated. The NY/NJ chapter is making some effort to contact our senators/congressman, but it has fallen to deaf ears.

    My question is that can a senior member of IV team approach these policital parties, just like other Indian groups are approaching, and showcase our strength (support and money).

    Also, are there any IV offical letter heads that can be used while faxing meeting requests to political parties.

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  • pani_6
    02-09 09:48 AM
    Yes this option is open...the sitiuation is getting ridicilous by the day..lets wait for couple of months so see if SKIL OR CIR take some direction..meanwhile nothin prevents us from preparing
    grounds for a law suit!!

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  • JazzByTheBay
    10-27 12:52 AM
    It's a well-know fact that Senator Kennedy only empathizes with "undocumented workers", and feels they deserve to be given "a path to citizenship" (amnesty by any other name is still amnesty... ) - understandably so given the demographics and numbers.


    I got this as a real paper letter. The signature is a picture, of course, not real.
    No surprise here. We are not even a part of immigration reform for him.:mad:
    So in this standard reply "about immigration reform" we are not even mentioned.

    Uinited States
    WASHINGTON, DC 20510-2101
    October 9, 2007

    Dear Mr. :
    Thank you for contacting me about immigration reform. This is a complex issue, with many important aspects, and it requires a comprehensive solution. 12 million undocumented workers are now living in the United States. They're working, paying taxes, and raising children who are U.S. citizens if they are born here. They contribute to our economy, and it is time to bring them out of the shadows and end their unfair exploitation by unscrupulous employers in communities across the country.
    Funds for border enforcement have increased dramatically over the years. The budget for the Border Patrol has increased from $263 million in 1990 to $1.6 billion today - a six-fold increase. Yet each year during this period, hundreds of thousands of immigrants have continued to enter the U.S. illegally. Our immigration laws are clearly broken, and stronger border enforcement alone will not fix them.
    Long and thorough negotiations with the White House and fellow Senators, Republican and Democrat, led to the drafting of a comprehensive bipartisan immigration reform bill this year. It contained important provisions to strengthen border security, but it also contained needed provisions imposing higher penalties on businesses that employ undocumented immigrants, a temporary worker program to help American businesses meet their employment needs, and provisions to address the millions of undocumented immigrants living in the United States by allowing them to obtain legal status after undergoing background checks, paying a fine, and going to the back of the line for green cards. The bill was a realistic and comprehensive solution that would not only protect our borders, but also enable needed temporary workers to enter the country legally, and allow workers already here to become legal.
    Unfortunately, this needed legislation has now stalled in the Senate, which is enormously disappointing for Congress and the country. But the battle is far from over. I'm in it for the long haul, and Fm certain that, in the end, we will prevail. Ignoring the problem will not solve it. We cannot afford to do nothing, especially in this post-9/11 era. By heritage and history, America is a nation of immigrants, and we must preserve this tradition. I will continue to fight to reform our immigration laws, so that our borders are secure and immigrant families can continue to live the American dream.
    Again, thank you for writing to me about this important issue.

    Edward M. Kennedy


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  • gapala
    04-22 02:53 PM
    Think twice before you jump into mistakes. How can you survive in USA if you dont have a job.

    I agree with the other post, you probably might be better in India in this economy.

    Also US is becoming something else, due to the pressure from "protectionalists" and you need to wait and see what happens in an year or so. This is not 1998, it is 2009.

    To answer your question, you chances for 2010 H1B is extremely low.

    Though your intention is to help OP, there are certain things that need to be observed especially in this climate where there is lot of backlash against legal immigrants. We have to ensure that we do not provide any ammu to anti's with our comments.

    For an employer to sponsor a foreign worker on H1B,
    First of all, there needs to be a skilled worker position open and available in US and
    2nd that there are no "qualified" US citizens are available to fill that position.

    OP's post goes against both these conditions, Forget about the rest such as bad economy, survival etc.. as per law, Employer has to pack the H1B home if the position is knocked off with a flight ticket and a reasonable relocation.

    No offense to any one but just calling for more caution as we have seen increased number of posts like these.

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  • mrdelhiite
    08-08 09:10 AM
    roseball, agree. got same resp from my attorney while filing AOS for my wife

    1) employment letter ( just sent original & copies too )
    2) I-134 ( convinced that they will need this even for H4 dependent )
    3) did not ask for W2's or pay stubs
    4) of course original medicals in closed envelope
    5) all previous H4 approvals + I94's and color photocopy of entire passport
    6) photos and required cheque's

    hope mrdelhiite is all set ?

    Yup Senthil Thanks a lot for your reply.



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  • govind440
    08-29 10:28 PM
    Hi frnds,

    I used to work for a company A in california.. Boss is kind of using very bad language constantly and torchers almost everyday. Is there any1 who can help me out or has similar situations. Is there any1 that i can file a complain. Since he knew that I am on H1B and international student he was continuously abusing. any help would appreciated.


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  • dngoyal
    07-27 05:10 PM
    hello rolrblade
    Thanks for all this,
    in the last you have said,
    "Also the email from you is "legal authorization" to sign"

    But in my case email is not attached with the application.

    as I sent mail after filing the application.

    is it OK?/


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  • kriskris
    04-17 11:14 AM
    My wife (going to use AP), My little son (US citizen) & my mother-in-law (Visitor Visa) are coming back to Dallas from India on Monday. My mother-in-law left USA in November 2008 and coming back again now. Would it be safe to send all three of them to the same counter at the POE? or would it be safe to send them to 2 separate counters.

    My worry is that if they go together, the officer may think that my mother-in-law is here again for baby sitting or something like that since her leaving USA is less than 6 months. I know that there is no such requirement that a person has to be outside US for a certain period of time before entering again, but I am still wondering would it cause any problems. On the flip side if they go to different counters they may let her in without any issues, since my mother-in-law doesn't know English (I am planning to give a letter for the purpose of her trip), Please suggest?

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  • MatsP
    November 25th, 2005, 04:14 AM
    I prefer the light one. But I'm with David C that if you had more depth of field in the second one, that may well make that one "better".



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  • mchundi
    02-14 07:42 PM
    It is almost 3-4 months for me tracking the progress of S-1932 and the comprehensive immigration reform process. I know some of u here have been lobbying for this even longer.
    To begin with a few of the immigration bills were to be taken up last september, then Bill Frist said "he will schedule immigration bills in 2006 only". Well i thought we have to wait till jan '06. Then from the blue came the S-1932, it had everything in it that i was waiting for. It was definitely an overkill, No wonder it did not go thru. If it had just the recapture of the unused numbers it would have probably gone thru.
    Now the comprehensive immigration bill is not likely to be taken up until end march. If something else more important comes in, then it might be postponed to the next year.

    We r caught in the politics of one-upmanship. The administration wants immigration reform. May be it wants to take credit for it. Some dont want it. The Senate majority leader is not interested in it. May be it is him we should lobby.

    May be we should change of tactic now. PACE has a good chance of going thru this year. May be we should lobby to tag the unused numbers into the PACE. That will atleast keep the PD current for a couple of years, before which the CIR can be taken up.
    Just a thought.

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  • trueguy
    04-27 06:44 PM
    USCIS has different definitions of Backlog so don't make any high hopes out of it.


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  • JazzByTheBay
    07-11 10:03 PM
    Thanks to the person who posted the link to the Ombundsman report earlier - this is beginning to make sense now.

    USCIS Ombundsman report from JUNE 2007 says:
    "For example, when employment-based visas are not used during the year they are authorized, they are lost and are not available for future use without special legislation. In FY 06, over 10,000 employment-based visas were lost, even though USCIS had an estimated 100,000 to 150,000 pending applications for employment-based green cards.36 - Based on USCIS use of visa numbers as of May 2007, at present consumption rates approximately 40,000 visas will be lost in FY 07 without a dramatic increase in USCIS requests of visa numbers.37
    - As illustrated below, since 1994 there have been over 218,000 un-recaptured employment-based visas lost due to underutilization of the employment-based visas."

    Dept of State: Sees visa numbers not being used, chances of visas going unutilized/unused/wasted/lost again this year. Makes July visa bulletin CURRENT for all countries & categories.

    USCIS: Scrambles to approve as many visas as possible to 1) Prove they're working hard, in light of the Ombundsman Report from June 2) Save themselves from the avalanche of I-485s, EADs and AP filings in June, knowing 3) Filing fees go up like crazy on 30th July.

    End Result: More visa numbers requested (but they didn't complete issuing all of them, even over the weekend).

    As things stand, if they approved stuff on 1st July, it means visa numbers were in fact available on 1st July.

    If they approved without completing FBI check - that's going to raise a stink and isn't entirely legal anyways.

    If they *still had visa numbers available on July 2* - request from DoS but not approved, they're in bigger trouble, imho.

    Anybody thinks the above makes sense?


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  • xbohdpukc
    04-02 10:06 AM
    You guys probably verified this already but -

    if you read (the intended) Sec 218D (amendment to the INA) and Sec 602 of S.2454, they do not exclude legal aliens.

    All that is required under 218D is that a person must have been in the US on or before Jan 7, 2004 and have proof of employment.

    Why shouldn't a legal nonimmigrant visa holder apply for AOS under 218D?

    What am I missing here?

    you are missing the whole point: you should've been undocumented on or before Jan 7th 2004


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  • forgerator
    04-29 03:39 PM
    The majority of people who return to their home countries do so due to family related reasons. America is still the land of opportunity and the best bet to earn big bucks.

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  • tikka
    07-13 07:29 PM
    Thanks GCard_Dream

    Great Job! amitjoey...
    added to your reputation..


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  • abhaykul
    06-08 03:52 PM
    I have approved EB3 LC and approved I 140 with PD JAN 2002. My wife has approved EB2 LC (Perm) and Approved I 140 with PD JAN 2006
    As we represent one family can't my wife use my PD and apply I 485 under EB2.
    for example If husband is born in a retrogressed country and wife in a non retrogressed country in that case, husband gets a free ride !
    Why not in this case ? Just curious !

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  • amsgc
    02-07 02:42 PM
    I worked in Delhi before moving to the US, so have some contacts. Last December I touched base with some of my friends from my previous company (big teleco services) and found that it is still not worth moving back - even if you have a home in delhi.
    After 7 yrs of work experience, they are still making about 12-15 Lacs (moved up from being an entry level SE to a Project Manager).

    Anyways, now days they are very selective in hiring talent - practically a hiring freeze. Also, the days for 30% raises seem to be over, at least for now.

    I heard Bangalore is much better.

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  • kumar1
    07-28 01:18 AM
    I have a question, my attorney says that he has filed the application on 2nd July without my signature.
    I have not given any authorization also.
    I am worried if it is valid or not.

    I don't know if they take authorization from my employer or it should be from me.
    Please suggest.


    04-18 03:28 PM
    Yesterday, there was a problem with the uscis web site. I tried to use the web site several times. Did you try to use the web site yesterday? or before?

    I received a receipt confirmation for my I-140 petition. It shows that they received on March 24, 2006. I tried to check on the status on USCIS website in case status. I could not find my case so far. Does it take so long to be updated. I am worried if my petition is misplaced somewhere...
    Please give me your advice.

    08-20 02:40 PM
    Ron says, The USCIS teleconference concerning implementation of PL 111-230 provided the following information:

    * The new tax DOES NOT apply to extensions or amendments

    This will help the people like me who are stuck in GC process...

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