Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • PBECVictim
    08-13 03:27 PM
    Your case is like me, except I am porting Priority date from my previous approved I-140 Eb3 case. Your new I-140 transferred to Texas Service centre because your employer comes under Texas Service centre. Your residency location also comes under Texas service centre. So you will receive I-485, I-765 and I-131 with SRC numbers. But it may take longer time.

    Good thing is Texas Service center is processing I-140 applications in May 2007. Max they are taking 5 months. People are discussing about LUD, it doesn't matter. It seems Texas service centre doing some regular maintenance. If you register your old approved H1s, their LUDs also changing.

    Texas Service Centre data entry dates:
    I-140 - 07/31/2007
    I-485 -- 06/28/2007

    I-140 Direct filing locations D&vgnextchannel=fe529c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD

    I-485 Direct filing locations D&vgnextchannel=fe529c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD

    I am in NJ and my employer too, and yes 140-485-765 concurrently..and I just checked the 140 file and it was updated 8-12-07...Do you guys think this is related to notices of action??? :confused:

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  • sledge_hammer
    01-30 05:15 PM

    Unfortunate that many did not get your sarcasm and might have given you bad reps. No worries, I gave you a green :)

    And none of us should even complain when millions of illegals are suddenly made legal by the Government and they jump the line in front of us for no fault of ours and there are EB3s still waiting from 2001. The illegals have taken a risk right by jumping across the border and staying here illegally???


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  • apt29
    01-30 12:32 PM
    H1 is valid for an year from the date of last used/Approval.

    Just for replying to this query - I have got 40 or so negative reputations.:confused: I understand that this is Free Lawyer Conference call forum.

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  • GCBy3000
    07-19 11:13 PM
    I am in for $100.

    By the way if we have 20,000 members and even if each pledge $5, we can reimburse the core team expenses. How often we have to teach and tell the Math to our so called highly skilled free riders.

    Some should be feeling really guilty for using IV and not contributing till now. Come out the stingy attitude and help.


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  • GCStatus
    09-17 12:55 AM

    First of all, ask yourself the following points before continue reading.

    1. Do I need a Green card at ANY cost ( Any cost = Waiting for yrs, Not willing to risk any other options, afraid to raise issues, not pinpointing flaws )

    2. Willing to fight for justice.

    If you chose the option 1, please stop reading further and good luck.

    For the option 2, here we go.I am new to this web site and it seems there are approx 70k people here and lot more outside. Hugh enough to create miracles.

    Just to remind ourself who we are. We are Highly skilled LEGAL immigrants. It not only means we are skillful but it also means we pay every damn tax which is out there. We pay for welfare. We pay for unemployed. We pay for pensioners. List goes on. We pay fees for every application processed by USCIS ( Labor, I-140,I-485,I-765,I-131 etc etc ). We pay rent. We buy cars. We buy houses. In short, we are nothing but GOLD to this economy.

    However, this one department called USCIS is literally toying with us for yrs now as if we are slaves or we are obligated to them. We dont want anyone to do us any favour. We need justice.

    Friends - I have self respect and i wasn't born chanting Green Card. I AM going to face them, confront them, demand them to provide justice, if not I want them to REFUND every penny i have paid so far. If this "I AM" becomes "WE", half the battle won. TOGETHER WE STAND, VICTORY/JUSTICE FOR ALL. If you are still hesitant, you made a bad choice of choosing option 2. Please go back to option 1.


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  • Gravitation
    05-07 08:32 AM
    The only one thing the nonimmigrants should aware of Mortgage is they can't expect 100% finance, as per my lender we need to make at a minimum 10% down.

    This varies widely from lender to lender.

    I was able to get approved for 100% financing for an investment property (which is even harder to get financing for). I decided not to buy it later though.

    Always try different kinds of lenders. Big banks, small banks, credit unions. Also try mortgage brokers. Sooner or later you'll make a hit.


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  • sam_i02
    07-10 08:33 PM
    Just got back from Canada.
    All went smooth. Upon arrival at Toronto (Pearson) Airport, the Landing procedure was very smooth and pleasant. No questions asked about our business in the US at all and about how long we were going to be in Canada. We dealt with 4 different Canadian officials at various points in the landing process and all were very pleasant and easy going.

    We stayed in Canada for a week. Liked it. Did a lot of sightseeing and research all over Ontario. We will be going back in December to British Columbia to check that side of the country out and decide where we would live if we move to Canada.

    This afternoon (07/10) we flew back to the US. Once again we got no questions about our business in Canada. The US IO did ask how long we were there for.
    The AP processing took about 45 minutes and after that we hopped on the puddle-jumper and landed in Baltimore. The US IOs were actually the nicest i have seen (had not left the country since 2000) and i noticed that all the IOs were minorities (middle-eastern, Indian, pacific rim origins).

    Overall good trip + we have Canada in our back pocket in case there is no progress with our US GC in the next 12 months. I recommend others to do the same, our whole process took less than 2 years. Plus we did it on our own without any attorney. It is quite straightforward.

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  • Ram_C
    11-21 12:02 PM
    Dear Mehul,
    I have no words to express my feelings after reading your post.
    My heart goes out to you and your family, may God give you and your family the courage and strength to overcome this situation.
    Do not lose your hope, Miracles do happen.

    God bless you and your family.



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  • zoooom
    07-20 02:32 PM
    Zoooom, Anzeraja & All pledgers,

    Thanks for driving this effort. Subsequent to Aman's post, we can direct these pledges to the normal contribution drive for IV.

    It was amazing to see such response to call for funds for Aman and other core members.
    So whats the verdict..Do we ask all the members to donate towards the core fund..Anzzeraja what do u say...SAM??

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  • watzgc
    08-25 07:34 PM

    I just got my H1B Extension approved (8th year extension).
    Original H1B was valid until Sept 2008. Changed companies after 180 days(of I485 application) and applied for H1 transfer and extension for 3 years via new company. Finally got it approved after 3 months for 3 years(until May 2011).


    GooglgeGC, which is ur processing center?


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  • dentist1
    08-31 04:27 PM
    All you freaking South Indians can do is sit on your ass and code all day long .... As soon as you fellows open your mouth we all get how intelligent you guys are .... As for drawing the line between North and South - Can we just seperate the Telugu, Kanada, Tamil and Malayalam people from the North and the rest of us Northeners will be just fine :)

    Please ban this guy.We are Indians all of us from North, South, East or West India. We are Indians.

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  • gc28262
    06-29 09:07 AM
    My question is -
    what are these "1000s of folks" doing? Are they waiting for someone else to work for their cause?

    If they believe they were wronged, they need to take action. Without any action, nothing is going to happen.

    And, yes, these is discrimination on the both side of the lines. Have you looked at the hiring practices of leading desi outsourcing/consulting companies in the US?

    Not a legal advice.

    Here is the contact info for registering a complaint.

    Office of Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices (

    Office of Special Counsel Contact List
    Through a language interpreter service, we are equipped to assist callers in all languages.
    Mailing Address:
    U.S. Department of Justice
    Civil Rights Division
    Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related
    Unfair Employment Practices
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20530
    Main Number: (202) 616-5594
    Fax Number: (202) 616-5509
    Toll Free Information Number and Worker Hotline: 1-800-255-7688
    (202) 616-5525 or 1-800-237-2515 (TDD for hearing impaired)
    Employer Hotline: 1-800-255-8155
    1-800-237-2515 (TDD for hearing impaired)
    E-mail Address: We will make every effort to respond to emails that relate to the work of this office within 30 days. However, for immediate assistance, please call our employer hotline (1-800-255-8155) or worker hotline (1-800-255-7688).
    Web Address: Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC) -- Home Page (
    Special Counsel
    Deputy Special Counsel
    Katherine A. Baldwin
    Special Policy Counsel
    Margaret Hu
    Special Litigation Counsel
    Robin M. Stutman


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  • gk_2000
    02-09 08:53 PM
    Did you all see Donald Trumps answer to Piers Morgans question in Piers Morgan tonight program on CNN? that was not a surprise, but after his talk about China and India, that was a bit surprising.

    What question and answer?

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  • renjuzone
    07-03 08:54 AM
    Use this post for any media coverage


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  • somegchuh
    03-10 02:39 AM
    A lot of people can give you advice but I think it really comes down to making peace with yourself.

    I have been thru the pain of being stuck in LC for over 4 years and I can completely sympathize with you. I know it can be really frustrating. I have been thru swings of optimisim and pessimism in those 4 years. Ultimately this is what I have realized, there is always a price to be paid in life if you want to achieve anything in life. It is upto each one of us to decide if GC is worth the various years of being stuck in same job, wife being stuck on H4 is the right price for GC or am I paying too much. For me personally, I think I am paying a big price but I am like a businessman who has invested so much money and time in his enterprise that he's afraid to drop the venture and start another business. Actually a lot of us fall in this category.

    So look at it this way. Write down the price you are paying. Figure out if you still want to put your effort (and how much) in trying to get a GC. If you think its a venture that's not worth the outcome, there's your answer! If you think its worth the outcome but you are afraid you still may not get a GC, work on backup plan i.e. evaluate and apply for immigration to other western countries or evaluate and work on a plan to go back to your home country. Knowing the price and having alternate plans will give you peace of minds. More than anything else don't forget to have fun. A lot of times we get caught up in worrying about what might/might not happen in future and don't enjoy the present! Go out with your wife and have a fancy dinner every now and then ... do something spontaneous... Watch movies, listen to music, go bowling with friends ... whatever takes your mind off the routine!

    I see a lot of guys telling everyone who is frustrated saying: Let your wife get her own H1, why don't you buy a house on H1, why don't you have kids? Well, its good to offer suggestions but don't get condescending. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a stable job that they can buy a house. Not everyone's wife is in IT and can get a desi co. to sponsor H1. Not everyone is at peace mentally enough that they can plan children.

    Well, I am TOO depressed about the BEC performance. I know too many people are in same situation but I find myself "helpless" and at least i want to SCREAM......:mad:

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  • p_aluri
    10-08 01:42 PM
    I am in the same boat.. came here in 1999.

    Now my priority date is 2006. It took 3 years to get my labor with my previous company. Company filed chapter 11 within a week after my labor approved.

    Moved to consutling company and started the whole process again..

    What about people who were stuck for years in backlog and then got laid off and could not port their priority dates. I know a few who come came to US in 99 and now have a priority date of 2007 with a new employer....It should clearly be based on number of years of stay in US or expereince


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  • rongha_2000
    04-28 01:22 PM
    Can you let us know how did you search your case by? Website, what data do I need to pull the record? I dont have my labor copy with me. Also I dont know where my labor was filed.

    I searched my case on FLC data center and found following for my LC approval

    Employer_Job_Title = Computer Project Manager
    Prevailing_Wage_Job_Title = Computer Project Manager
    Prevailing_Wage_Level = Level II
    Prevailing_Wage_SOC_CODE = 11-9041.00
    Prevailing_Wage_SOC_Title = Engineering Managers
    Prevailing_Wage_Source = OES

    While I work as senior software/application developer in my current role with the same employer who filed my LC and GC.

    Now I am getting an offer from another employer with same title "Senior Software Engineer".
    Is it advisable to change job as my job code (job description) might be different from the one that was mentioned in LC?

    Thanks in advance for your inputs and thoughts.

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  • mqualique
    05-01 01:47 PM
    Even if FB 2 almost has same priority date as EB 2 or 3 once the EB dependents quota gets counted against FB quota almost half of the EB backlog would move to FB which will cause progression in EB dates and retrogression in FB dates. Anyway I think simple1 point is definitely a good point and worthy of further discussion and clarification from attorneys.

    Dependends will come under


    Second: Spouses and Children, and Unmarried Sons and Daughters of Permanent
    Residents: 114,200, plus the number (if any) by which the worldwide family preference level exceeds 226,000, and any unused first preference numbers:

    The priority date will be same as the primary because the law states that primary and dependents have the same priority date. FB 2 is almost same priority dated as EB 1,2 and 3 preferences.

    Primary -> Gets visa number from EB 1,2 or 3
    Dependents -> Gets visa number from FB2

    Wife and children need not wait because FB2 is not that retrogressed.

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  • zeta7
    04-14 12:56 AM
    - Flew into YYZ (with family), completed landing process last week
    - Have expired H1-B stamp but approved I-797s
    - Flew back this week on AVR
    - No questions asked on both sides
    - Stayed in Canada for a week. Its an amazing country with mix of good points from Europe (relaxed life, warm people ...) and USA (cleanliness, immigrant friendly ...) and a stable economy (atleast this far...). Overall, liked Canada alot
    - Some people say, "its sheer luck", but many friends have done this without any problem. I would say "its sheer bad-luck" if anyone got into trouble doing this
    - I would not suggest giving up the Canadian PR based on just rumors and no facts
    - Have pending 140 and 485
    - Have APs too, but did not use them

    Thanks for posting your experience. Did you apply for your SIN and your PR card? Do you (or anyone else) have any info on how that's done or what the procedure is?

    07-20 11:08 AM
    It is safe giving money to core through IV. If yes, I will pledge $100. Please let me know the details.

    08-20 09:29 AM
    140- approved by TSC 6/06
    LUD - 7/28/07
    485 - sent to NSC on 7/03..
    No response yet..

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