Thursday, June 30, 2011

world of warcraft cataclysm

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  • greatzolin
    08-17 07:04 PM
    The only way to know if you case got transfered is by the RN? or if the checks have the number on the back?


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  • tonyHK12
    02-24 02:22 PM
    I have received the news letter and it is pretty neat. But you know, many people are busy. So my suggestion was to send out another simple version with only the Advocacy day link with a request for contribution.

    Will check with StarSun. maybe a weekly mail with our funding status

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  • BharatPremi
    11-01 05:44 PM
    :D:Di work for big company...and i have paystubs...

    in essense...what you are saying is that if one has paystubs that one can change after the 180 day period even if 140 is not approved...

    i am beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel...:D

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  • anandrajesh
    05-28 12:41 PM
    Me & My wife,
    emailed Minnesota Senators + 10 senators mentioned.


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  • nc14
    05-23 08:54 AM
    Just emailed my State Senators (OH) and also the 10 Senators listed by Core Team.

    If it helps, below are the Contact Form for all 10 common Seantors listed by Core Team.

    Also the advise by a fellow member of using Google Autofill was awesome.

    Patrick J. Leahy
    Arlen Specter
    Chuck Hagel
    Diane Feinstein
    John Cornyn
    Harry Reid
    Mitch McConnell
    Mel Martinez m&CFID=22272398&CFTOKEN=66357958
    Trent Lott
    Lindsey Graham

    GO IV GO..

    .................................................. ..........................
    $100+$20 recurring + $100 (Yesterday)

    world of warcraft cataclysm. At launch, World of Warcraft:
  • At launch, World of Warcraft:

  • kosars
    02-14 10:58 PM
    contributed $ 100

    Transaction ID: 71H4440142718204T


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  • venkee
    07-20 06:30 AM
    I pledge $100

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  • breddy2000
    09-09 11:32 PM
    Think its more along the lines of its smart to be illegal under current circumstances :cool:


    Joe Legal vs. Jose Illegal

    Here is an example of why hiring illegal aliens is not economically productive for US

    You have two families: "Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal". Both families have two parents, two children and live inCalifornia.

    Joe Legal works in construction, has a Social Security number, and makes $25 an hour with payroll taxesdeducted.

    Jose Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security number, and gets paid $15 an hour cash "under the table".

    Joe Legal is paid $25 an hour times 40 hours for $1000 per week, $52,000 per year. Now take 30% away for State and Federal taxes and Joe Legal now has $31,231.

    Jose Illegal is paid $15 an hour times 40 hours for $600 per week, $31,200 per year. But Jose Illegal pays no taxes. Jose Illegal now has $31,200.

    Joe Legal pays $1,000 per month for medical and dental insurance with limited coverage or $12,000 per year. Joe Legal now has $19,231.

    Jose Illegal has full medical and dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.

    Joe Legal makes too much money is not eligible for food stamps or welfare. Joe Legal pays $1,000 per month for food or $12,000 per year. Joe Legal now has $ 7,231.

    Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for food stamps and welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.

    Joe Legal pays rent of $1,000 per month or $12,000 per year. Joe Legal is now in the hole at -$4,769.

    Jose Illegal receives a $500 per month Federal rent subsidy and pays rent at $500 per month or $6,000 per year. Jose Illegal still has $25,200.

    Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part-time job after work.

    Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.

    Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same school. Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches while Jose Illegal's children get a government sponsored lunch. Jose Illegal's children have an after school ESL program. Joe Legal's children go home.

    Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same police and fire services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay.


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  • desigirl
    07-20 10:24 AM
    I can't understand why Sanhari's suggestion would rile up EB2 folks. All he suggested was to use the EB spillover visas for oldest cases irrespective of EB category and country.

    Sanhari - Are you sure that this is a USCIS decision? Can USCIS change the way the do the spillover without legislation change?

    Folks, There is a another thread on here that says IV is neither against EB3 nor for EB2. If that's really the case why would Sanhari's suggestion not find favor? If IV seriously want to do something for the backlog, Sanhari's suggestion should be taken up.

    I anticipate and welcome reds, greens, blues for this post :)

    as gc28262 has indicated, that proper analysis and the correct interpretation of the law is needed to change such matters. Unless, EB3 people come out of the lethargic content/self pity and start working on the issues as if their life depended on it (it does) - just writing to the senators and representatives will not help. The legislative offices is not going to do the analysis (in the time that matters to us) and address it to the USCIS. However, if we do the ground work and then approach them, we may have a better chance of succeeding.

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  • Tito_ortiz
    05-24 01:21 AM
    Vijjus, this is coming from a veteran:
    There is not such out of touch congressmen or further education needed to be done. Congressmen are well aware of the plight of legal immigrants way before than dreamed of existence. We fought hard in order to educate congressmen and often their staff played dumb, but again the truth is that they never cared about our plight.

    The reality is that this, as usual, is primarily driven by business needs. Major employers such as Bill Gates lobby mainly for H1B numbers increase. Employers are very much aware that H1B staff under pressure can put up and deliver the very long journey of 60-80h/week expected at Microsoft. Yes, Microsoft and many other major employers could easily find qualified US students with two years of experience, skills by the way comparable to what the vast majorities of H1B's offer, but Americans who do not need the H1B would give a finger to any employer who would expect that an American would work 80h/week for 55K/year. The "brighest and the best" out there, a typical individual on the mid 30's with 10+ year of experience, masters degree and tons of sweating and bleeding in the IT world, I am not sure whether Bill Gates want to open the wallet and pay more than $100K. They would prefer to outsource the work to China - not even India anymore. That is the reason and the only reason only which explains why wages have not increased to IT programmers in the last few years.

    Illegal aliens are being backed by major employers of cheap labor, such as Wall Mart and many others. Illegals also can put extra long hours and therefore they yield more output for less investiment. That's is the reason that US employers seem to fight so consistently to keep them here. Since illegal aliens are in higher numbers and can deliver more not offshoreable productivity than us, so that is the reason why they are the ones getting the red carpet.

    At this moment our incluence is minimal, if not not pathetic. As a matter of fact, I am afraid that more our category of workers fight and protest, more the American people will be outraged and scared and will react calling *their* congressmen even harder in order to push us all out.

    For the naive and dreamers out there who are shaking their heads after reading the above and believe that the above is propaganda, so just think about it.


    Tito Ortiz


    (disclaimer: Like everyone else here, I am very dissapointed. Hence the negative mood)

    I am wondering how we ended up here. We have been doing this campaign for so long, we have now hired a lobbying firm, and we've met, called, emailed and faxed so many senators etc. How come this bill completely ignored, and in fact in some senses, hurt us?

    I have seen posts about lawmakers being stupid, out-of-touch etc but I think these posts are mostly facetious. I feel troubled by the fact that in spite of numerous efforts the lawmakers decided to ignore us - and if this was India I would have attributed this to the fact that in us they don't (yet) have a vote bank.

    Please take this post in a positive way and as a stimulus for some soul searching - why did we end up in this situation?


    world of warcraft cataclysm. WORLD OF WARCRAFT CATACLYSM

  • jgh_res
    07-20 02:25 PM
    I pledged 100 $ today for Aman's expenses because I felt really bad abt that. I donated around 300$ till date including 20$ recurring contribution.
    I filed my 485 long time ago. But when people who are really seeing the fruits of IV (July VB reversal) are higly reluctant to donate even a few bucks, while they are spending thousand's of dollars for their 485 stuff, I am kinda confused.
    Are people really that selfish not to donate a few bucks(may be 5$per month) to an organization which is making them file 485 and reversed all this fiasco.

    Zoooom, Anzeraja & All pledgers,

    Thanks for driving this effort. Subsequent to Aman's post, we can direct these pledges to the normal contribution drive for IV.

    It was amazing to see such response to call for funds for Aman and other core members.

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  • trueguy
    09-19 07:46 PM
    I agree with above analysis except 5% assumption is not good assumption. It might be 2% or less


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  • WaldenPond
    07-20 12:00 PM
    Hi everyone,

    I am flattered and extremely grateful to all of you for thinking about this. However, Immigration Voice has made it a policy to use the funds available for advocacy and in order to do that we have chosen not to reimburse expenses for anyone. We will in future, change this policy and reimburse expenses for travel and stationary if it is affordable to do so without running short on funds for advocacy. There are a lot of people who have spend money from their pocket on this effort. Recently, Gopal, Tamsen, Anand and many other had spent money to organize rally and make the banners for San Jose rally, Jay have traveled to DC multiple times on his expense, Himanshu, Vineet, Pratik, Ashish, Nagaraj, Naren, Alok and other members of the core team have all spent resources from their pocket. And there are a lot of good non-core group members who have kept the faith and have spent from their pocket and writing all their names will fill up many pages of this thread.

    If I am unable to get reimbursed then I would not regret at all because I truly believe that every penny was worth the effort and I am lucky that I could do this for myself and this community. This community is not about one person, it’s about all of us and it’s about this broken system. I am nobody as an individual but we are collective a very big community. We need to stand up for ourselves so that few lawmakers will not take pride in beating us down by their false rhetoric on the Senate floor. As you have witnessed lately, these lawmakers think that beating us down is like a low hanging fruit and every time they need to improve their ratings, they could simply do some empty rhetoric. And when we all stand-up for ourselves, together, it will be time for this bigotry to end.

    Please do not collect or send funds with the intention of reimbursement for me or any particular core group. Please continue contributing to our organization in whatever capacity you can. Please become more active in the state chapters. In the beginning the response will be slow and sometimes discouraging. But if you are persistent, you will be able to motivate others in your area and raise the level of participation of other members. Please stand up for yourself and not expect lawyers or employers to do “something” for you. For too long a lot of people have taken advantage of this community. Some lawmakers have even taken pride in beating us down, knowing well that we do contribute towards the progress and pay the taxes and do our due share in the society. We all need to realize that it doesn’t end with whatever we have been doing at our jobs, because if we want our issues to be addressed we have to organize and act as community. And there is nothing wrong with organizing a community. We all have witnessed our strength when we all collectively acted as a community responding to the recent visa bulletin fiasco. We won because of the participation of everybody who sent flowers, participated in the rally and participated and helped behind the scenes in these activities.

    So please keep this in mind. For the core group, your involvement is as important as your contribution. Participating in phone campaign, fax campaign, flower campaign, street protests, video campaign -- all this is a billion times more important for our success. Contributions are also welcome but your presence on the street and your face on the videos is of paramount importance for coming months. Please follow every single action item both on this site and the ones you get in the newsletters. In order to get newsletter, keep the email address and contact information in your profile (of IV account) up to date.

    My wife and I received our green cards in June. But all it doesn’t end with a green card. We will all continue to have same set of problems. This IV generation will be facing same set of problems in the future, regardless of the country of origin. The question is, do we form a new organization from scratch whenever a problem knocks at our door or do we continue to be part of an effort which can take on any challenge for this community. So if you have received your green card or if you are at any stage of the process, in the long term, we should all act as a community to see greater things happen for all of us.

    Thank you everyone for your thoughts.

    Take care,
    Aman Kapoor

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  • SDdesi
    02-14 09:54 PM
    Contributed $100 (6J641736D3197961L)


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  • peer123
    06-13 07:58 PM
    My attorney actually filed directly with TSC. So all my case numbers starts with SRC.

    Is there any specific center we should be sending our 485 application. I have applied for I140 from Nebraska, can I apply for 485 in Texas...

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  • pasupuleti
    05-03 01:19 PM

    05/02/2006: Senator John Cornyn Introduced S.2691 for "Legal" Employment-Based Immigration Legislation

    * Today, John Cornyn, Senator from Texas, introduced in the Senate S. 2691, Securing Knowledge Innovation and Leadership (SKIL) bill, which is similar to the legal employment-based immigration bills incorporated in the comprehensive immigration reform bills of Senator Bill Frist and Senator Alen Specter. These legal employment-based immigration bills are similar to the Education bill named PACE Act which is still pending in the Senate.
    * Senator Cornyn strongly opposes the legalization of undocumented immigrants as opposed to the Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and most of the Senators in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The compromised comprehensive immigration reform proposal faced strong challenge from Senator Cornyn before the bill collapsed in the Senate during the Easter break. Cornyn-Kyl bill and McCain-Kennedy has engaged in a fierce duel in the Senate Judiciary Committee and in the full Senate. The collision was marked by the legalization of illegal immigrants that are incorporated in the McCain-Kennedy bill.
    * By introduction of S. 2691, Senator Cornyn practically joins the original Bill Frist bill that strongly supported legal immigration and strongly opposed legalization of illegal aliens by focusing on the border security and the immigration enforcement. Question remains whether the legal immigration bill can pass the Congress as separate from the Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation. We are concerned that this bill may bring a further division between the legal immigrant community and the illegal immigrant community with the potential damaging consequences to both legal and illegal communities. We have maintained a tradition of strongly supporting legal employment-based immigration. We just hope that the legal and illegal reform legislation does not end up with the fate of S. 1932 as driven by the political forces using the traditional battle tactic of 'divide and conquer.' From the perspectives of the legal employment-based immigrant community, all of the pending bills support their interest and they will be least affected by whichever bill the Congress finally would pass. This is a time to unite and not a time to divide.


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  • good idea
    09-24 09:58 AM
    I am not sure if I am correct,
    Although no. of visas are awarded "EB category + country" wise, but spillover is not awarded in same fashion.
    .e.g. 3000 visa comes to EB2 I & 3000 visa comes to EB3 I.

    But spillover comes from EB1 to EB2 irrespective of country. And reason why EB2 I is far ahead is because of spillover gain before it reaches to EB3.

    Even if some EB2 I guys are not happy with EB3 person porting to EB2, shouldn't they calm down as whoever is porting taking benefit from spillover for EB2 world and not from spillover EB2 I.

    My assumption is spillover comes to "EB2" and not "EB2 + country" wise, if that is not correct then my point is nullified.

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  • vkrishn
    08-24 11:12 AM
    Any approvals this week? Seems to be slow.. Wait continues!

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  • test101
    07-06 11:16 PM
    I like the CD idea very much. Ithink it will attrack attention. Have not heared money people doing it for the purpose of protest.

    07-20 04:45 PM

    If GCs were sold in stores I would buy you and your family a bunch of them.
    You are in the EB3 category, do you ever wonder why somebody who is more educated than you or me, makes more money? Can we say, hey you I was born in 1890 I should make more money, it does not fly, EB3 is not a reflection on your skills but more the job you hold.

    The question you should ask is why have EB1, 2, 3, etc?

    Why do you not include the family based categories, isn't family first, why not the EB spill over to to FB first then whatever trickles down comes to EB, is not this fair? I am sure there are a lot in the FB queue who have waited for longer than you. Now dont tell you you are better than FB because you are highly skilled, pay taxes, etc.

    You signed up for this knowing what was in store.
    You think writing a letter or starting up a thread is going to help?

    I just wonder, is IV some kind of therapy? something like weightwatchers,
    maybe we should call ourselves GCWatchers, for frustrated GC folks from India.

    Tell me this, are your bosses fools to sponsor you in EB3, do they not know it will take years? No they are not, ask yourself why?

    India is shining, not a bad proposition at all.

    Mr. Paraya Desi

    I request you to mind your language. What you say displays a complete lack of understanding about the system

    It is not that they want the "most qualified" or "most brilliant" FIRST, and the rest later. As an example, if your toilet broke down and you have an urgent need to use it, would you welcome a beautiful girl knocking on your door, or a plumber. It is like this. It is a question of WHAT the COUNTRY needs, not who is made of gold

    Therefore dont think you are as an EB2 more (or less) entitled to anything, and correct the "faltu" ideas in your brain

    03-07 10:23 AM
    Good point, has anybody asked this to any lawyer ? Can we challenge this in court ? This is the definition of judiciary review...If we can proove the country cap to be unconstitutional..

    Judicial Review is when the Supreme Court reviews an act of Congress to see if it is Constitutional.
    Judicial Review is the power of the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutuion (violation against the laws of the Constitutuion).

    Anything that has language to exempt from quota is bound to run into severe resistance. However one thing here in US is to challenge any ambiguous negativity in courts. Has there been any instance of challenging country quota in the court as discrimination as some people brought it up earlier. Remember laws can also be changed through courts also, not just legislation.

    Even though we are far from Citizenship test, I know there are 3 branches of government,
    Judicial, Legislative and Executive.

    We do not seem to have much hope in the Legislative(Senate/House) and Executive(president) what are the chances of using that approach.

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